Linearising the frequency response of drivers can have a profound impact
on sound as has been described in my
W12CY003 file. Some drivers have a severe and consistent performance
like the W12CY003 making an edge coating necessary - and some drivers
don't. The variation in production may produce two identical drivers not
so identical after all and the question is whether we should do edge
coating or not. The thing is that we would need a large number of
drivers to find out whether an edge coating is desirable or not. And
what happens to a driver that doesn't have the problem - and yet gets an
edge coating? At this point in time I can't tell. I need more
experience. I recently did a 6" PP cone driver with only a minor problem
and the edge coating did indeed linearise the frequency response, but
sonically the result was dubious.
Below you'll find some examples of drivers having positive results from
edge coating.
By adding a proper amount of glue with proper elasticity
and resilience and in
the right place on the inner side of the surround, the energy
coming from the cone can better be absorbed and the result is a more
linear frequency response - and hopefully, more fidelity. The deviation
from linear frequency response is really not the key issue here, rather
the narrow phase shift.
The source
of material and application technique shall not be revealed, so please
do not ask.
Should you want to try this, you ship your drivers to me and pay
via PayPal or bank transfer:
4-4½" drivers: 100 EUR/pair + shipping back.
6" drivers: 125 EUR/pair + shipping back.
8" drivers: 150 EUR/pair + shipping back.
Contact me at
Only for EU citizens.
SBAcoustics MR13P midrange driver
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Z...../BE/SBA MR13P-8:
I installed the modified mid-range drivers after playing in for about 50
hours. It does sound significantly better, it is much smoother and
clearer after the edge coating and the distortion I complained about
initially is completely gone. The mid-high integration is exceptional,
the highs are clear in the most natural way.
Jeg vil bare informere om at kantcoatingen var meget vellykket. Det er
faktisk hørbar forskjell, og dynamikken mellom diskant, mellomtone og
bass, er mye bedre og naturlig. Mvh
First impressions from hearing:
- Voice appear a little bit farther away.
- The spatial location of musicians is improved
Same good sound: very smooth & natural. This is why I like these
speakers so much. BTW as you can see tweeter is the 29BACC. Great choice
for 200€.
Hi Troels,
Just final feedback on the edge coating. Series coil was finally lowered
by ~13% giving roughly 1dB more in the critical midrange.
Works simply perfect. Again thank you very much!
Best regards W.
Quite a matched pair.
The Drivers arrived today, after work I installed them and listened.
First the optic: Amazing. If I would not know where to look I would
think they would be straight out of the factory.
The sound: It sounds clearer. Some distortion is gone. I expected it
with voices, but it is also very clear with instruments that they sound
“less recorded”, more natural. So I am very happy with the action.
Before it I was almost dropping the driver and looking for something
SEAS W12CY003 midbass
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Typical result of edge coating. Red = before, green = after.
Some samples are better than others after coating.
Eight samples as-is. As can be seen quite some variation in performance.
Eight samples as above, but after edge coating.
SBAcoustics SB17CRC35-4
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SB17CRC35-4, before (red) and after (green).
Not a huge impact, but better.
SBAcoustics MR16P-8
and -4 midrange driver
MR16P-8 drivers. Right: After application of coating material.
Have had a number of MR16P drivers, both 4
Ohms and 8 Ohms and they're not too bad as-is. However, most have a
noticeable swing around 1.2-1.3 kHz and I'd still say they benefit
from edge-coating.
Above the 4 Ohms version, unit I and II, before and after edge
The 4 Ohm version initially did better than the 8 Ohm version, but
certainly smooth in upper-mid after edge coating.
MR16P after drying.
I had another pair of MR16P-4 drivers and here are the results:
Sample III and IV as-is on a 100 x 120 cm baffle. Quite some
disturbance around 1-1.5 kHz.
Sample III and IV after edger coating.
MR16P-4 (sample I and II):
Thanks for edge-coating of my SB Acoustic Satori MR16-4 mid-range
With edge-coating the sound stage seem a little further back with
more depth of image and less attached to the speakers. Acoustic
music seem more natural, homogeneous and relaxed, some might
miss a little sparkle or edge to the music, finding it some kind of
interesting. Further listening will tell you this more real and
you might have been captivated and seduced by a reproduction
imprinted with an unwanted artifact. The case is that we get used to
distortion and and a period of rehabilitation is required. To
my experience mid-range and tweeter integration seems better by
having a more seamless transition. It's like the mid-range has less
sonic signature letting the drivers sound more like one. Before
edge-coating female voices, when playing music loud, had a
tendency to get a little annoying (I have heard worse) The tendency
of being hard to the ear could sometimes be followed by the
impression of harmonics becoming detached from the keynote. With
edge-coating I can´t make this phenomena to appear. I find spatial
information to have improved, the sonic signature of the recording
venue is easier to hear. Instruments and singers are better
separated and positioning is more stable, less prone to move.
Being a DIY speakerbuilder you can spend 100 Euros in many ways,
edge coating can definitely be worth the spending.
Best regards