FUSION FA122 for Ekta
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Download HYPEX FUSION 4.95 software and manual here.
This is the latest version here Nov. 2019.
Check for updates on
Hypex website here.
Installing software
Unpack the zip file to e.g. My Documents folder on your computer.
Double click Setup.exe and install the 4.95 HFD (Hypex Filter Design) software.
Turn on your FA122 and connect to your computer via an mini-USB to USB.
Next you click Device setting:
Unclick Device setting and go back to this:
Click Filter design and you have this:
After having installed the software you will have a folder in My Documents called FilterData like this:
Unpack the zip file from Jantzen Audio found on the memory stick
provided with the kit and place the folder FA122_1-2-4 in the FilterData
Click FA122_1-2-4 and click OK.
You can click Preset 1-2-3 and see what happens and you click ch1 and ch2 and see what happens - or you can just immediately click "Upload all presets":
Connect your speaker drivers Turn to page 14 in the manual and you'll find the following information: