Dear Troels
You got me started on a journey. I finally got to listen to both
speakers, placed in my 4-5 meters wide and 8 meter long living room. I
chose to go with the Faital 3WC 12 inch, level 1 and scanspeak tweeter.
The process has been long and joyful. This summer we sheared the sheep
to get the wool for the stuffings. Then I build the cabinets (one at the
time, to learn from mistakes). Then by coincidence a family member sold
me a studio amplifier from SLT (studio og lydteknik APS from Helgesvej
Copenhagen). A great 250 watt Mos-fet handmade piece of art. Right now
I´m feeding the system through a dragonfly cobalt HighRes from an Iphone…..
Yes yes I will build a preamp and get a denafrips and maybe a record
player again…… .(in time and with money).
But for now; in the evening Lisa Ekdahl is visiting with her tiny and
super detailed voice. In the morning Kieth Jarret is starting all of our
brains with grand Piano. In the afternoon (when I’m alone) I exercise
the still stiff speakermembranes with some Snow (informer), Billie
Eilish, or CarminaBurana by C. Orf.
It’s the most Lively, detailed and wide spectra speakers I have ever had
in my living room. No matter the volume level. Trombones sound like
trombones, voices sound like the singers, details from live surroundings
or recording technical control appears, where there were none before
(had some Snell E III with an Acurus DIA100 and cheap Denon CD from the

Flemming with his shears.

A set
of speakers for electronica

Wool. Freshly washed on the way
into the speaker.

Me studying Music and Laika studying “practical linear algebra”

The speakers easily fill the whole living room with lively music. No

Laika and almost finished product.

The final stands.