Kuzma StabiR/Jelco TK850S/Schick/MSL Eminent
My workshop turntable
Copyright 2022 © Troels Gravesen

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My workshop system changes all the time....

Having been more than pleased with my Denon DP67L/Moerch tonearm, I thought it time to raise the bar a little and having a turntable with multiple arms just don't work for me. Eventually I end up only using one arm/cartridge - the most convenient, the 4Point9/Anna-D. Thus my Jelco TK850S/MSL Eminent/Schick headshell really just collected dust.
Hence it was time to retire my beloved Denon DP67L/Moerch DP6/MSL Eminent and take full advantage of the Jelco/MSL/Schick. I include the Schick headshell in the description as it is a key components in the superb performance of this setup. So, what to do?
The Kuzma Stabi R is a phenomenal deck and having had it for some two years and not wanting anything different, why not buy a 2nd unit? So I did.

A friend suggested the Thomas Schick graphite headshell - and why not? So I bought one. Obviously this only goes with the Jelco tonearm, usually fitted with the standard Jelco/Sumiko headshell.
Little had I seen this coming, but this graphite headshell cleaned up the treble range of the MSL cartridge. Never underestimate the vibrations the needle in the groove transmit into the headshell/tonearm. Worth every Euro.
Only drawback is high weight.


Jelco TK850S tone-arm with VTA on-the-fly.
Very, very bad these Jelcos are no longer available. They had a performance/cost ratio that was hard to beat. And they looked good too! I think I got the last one in Denmark.

I use a pure silver tonearm cable.
I've given up making these myself. This guy in Aberystwyth/Wales knows how to make it right.

The workshop setup, Kuzma StabiR/Jelco/MSL Eminent  - EAR-868PL pre-amplifier - EAR-861 power amplifier.



This clamp is really good! And at a reasonable price. It's very hard to find at the Kuzma website, but I found it under the Stabi Ref 2 turntable:
Kuzma also has an exotic clamp made from ebony, but a price around 2 k€ is where I draw the line.


Without platter



Read the story behind the 4Point9 journey here.

Workshop system early 2024.


2024 has seen a lot of additions to my workshop system as I wanted to first-hand know the differences between various cartridges and compare my ~40 kgs Kuzma StabiR to the ~4 kg Rega P8/RB880 turntable.
Furthermore, are the differences between Ortofon Anna D, Windfeld Ti and Cadenza Bronze really worth the money. These all share the same stylus but all other things that go into making a MC cartridge vary. Does it matter? Is my MSL cartridges as good as the Windfeld Ti?
I also wanted to test the Grado Ref3 MI cartridge as I've heard this cartridge at shows - and I was always impressed. Can it compete with similar priced MC cartridges?
Read here:


Ortofon Windfeld-Ti added to the cartridge collection.

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze added to cartridge collection.

Grado Ref3 added to collection.

-and finally Rega P8/RB880 added to turntable collection:

Workshop setup.

Go to vinyl playroom.

Go to Rega P2 restoration