PMS built by Leif, Finland

Hi Troels,
I’ve just completed a set of PMS and this far I’m happy with the sound. It seems that the woofer needs quite some time before loosening up. I’ve used them for some hours and I can sense a difference in the bass extension already.
The cabinet design is my own, of course heavily influenced by your sketches. When I built the cabinets I had access to a watercutting machine which certainly reduced the amount of hours needed to complete the them.
The finish is maple and mahogany veneer, coated with 7 layers of two-component silk-gloss lacquer. I didn’t do the paintjob myself, but the 60 EUR (!) I payed for it I was money well spent. The same guy also painted the side-pieces black, this was included in the 60 EUR!
Best regards, Leif/Finland

Leif, thanks for your comments and pics. My return mails are being rejected by your server, so I hope you're seing this. Best regards Troels