ScanSpeak Discovery-3WC-10, built by Maciek, Poland
Copyright 2023 © Troels Gravesen

Hello Troels,
I've recently finished 3WC-10, this is my 7th project from Your site (Maya, DTQWT 12, CURV, SEAS 3WC 12, FAITAL 12, SUB 12 ) - You can call me an addict, probably I'll be making Fusion 22 soon.

A word about 3WC 10: drivers are chip but birch wood is very expensive today; bass driver in my room performs excellent, I've built SUB 12 and it is very hard to integrate a subwoofer with speakers - from my experience You need two subwoofers - and these discovery drivers are such a golden mean in all ways. Should be used in more constructions. Speakers perform really good in well recorded/produced recordings and in electronic music - here my strong recommendation.
Sound is big, can be fast and involving. No distortion. Their weak points in bad recordings are mids resolution and human voice (s, t - but it is not sibilance).

Best regards